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What’s in store for you?

Your first hyper-casual game, basics of several programming languages, a couple of chrome extensions, your own app and a lot, lot more ! We won’t be spoiling the fun here.

Course Fees

Rs. 6000(Rs.10000)(Valid till 18.07.22)


  • Fill the application to the best of your ability and submit it by paying the application fee which would be deducted from the course fees. Make it as concise as possible
  • We are primarily looking for people whose affinity for STEM is paramount and this application is your way to prove it.
  • Wait for your decision. If your application is approved,you would hear back from us in a week and will receive further instructions.
  • Only one application per applicant is allowed . If you didn’t make it through this round, you can apply the next round.
  • Applications are reviewed on rolling basis until the batch commences. Limited seats available..

Apply Now!

Join the next cohort of global scholars and make yourself future ready with our cutting edge workshops. Use the form below to start your application. Please note that an PC/laptop is required to complete this course and only the people having access to these resources are advised to apply.

*Please note that we are not affiliated with TCS in any way

What will you learn?

In the span of 8 weeks, you will be completing game development, app development and web development projects utilising several tools like C++, Python, Java, React JS, Android Studio and so on.

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